For Parents
Why Choose Acupuncture for Your Child?
Paediatric acupuncture is a gentle, natural and effective form of healthcare for children.
Using techniques which have been refined over centuries, it focuses on the whole child – not just their symptoms – helping to restore balance, support wellbeing, and treat both acute and chronic conditions. Safe and personalised, it's designed to complement your child's natural resilience and provide care they can feel comfortable with and look forward to!
A Trusted and Respected Practice
With roots in Chinese medicine spanning 2,500 years, acupuncture is one of the world's oldest healthcare systems. Today, a growing body of evidence supports its use for children, and it is increasingly recognised by conventional medical professionals as a valuable complementary therapy.
Proven Benefits for Children
Acupuncture can help a wide range of childhood conditions, including but not limited to, anxiety, eczema, asthma, chronic fatigue, and recurrent infections. It can also help to reduce reliance on medications, support illness prevention, and promote emotional wellbeing.
Treatment Without Needles
Although many children actually don't mind the use of fine acupuncture needles, your child's treatment can be needle-free. Rebecca uses a variety of techniques, such as Shonishin, massage, cupping, moxibustion and essential oils to name but a few, making treatments gentle and comfortable.

Acupuncture Research
Over the last 20 years, the amount of research into acupuncture has grown at an extraordinarily rapid pace. In this period alone, there have been over 13,000 studies carried out in 60 countries. The Acupuncture Evidence Project has found evidence of the beneficial effect of acupuncture for 117 conditions...
Non-Needle Techniques
Rebecca uses a variety of child-friendly approaches, carefully chosen to suit your child's needs and comfort level

Low Level Laser Acupuncture
A laser pen applies a quantity of therapeutic light to the acupuncture point over which it is held. The process is totally painless for the child. The effect of a laser pen is as close as it is possible to get to that of a needle without actually using a needle.
In a typical treatment, anywhere between two and eight acupuncture points may be treated with the laser pen. The pen is held over each point for approximately twenty seconds.
I use a state of the art 3B laser pen. This is entirely different from the type of laser that, for example, a surgeon would use (Class 4 laser). The Class 3B low level laser does not cause any damage to body tissue. After over fifty years of research, there has not been one reported side effect when using this type of laser therapy.

If your child suffers from a condition which, in Chinese medicine terms, is energetically cold, I may use the ancient technique of moxibustion as a part of their treatment. Moxa involves warming an acupuncture point with a herb (dried mugwort).
There are various different ways of applying this warmth and which one I use will depend largely on the age of your child. The most common way is to hold a cigar-like stick of lit mugwort close to the point, but not touching the skin. Most children love moxibustion and find it very relaxing.

Paediatric Tui Na
Paediatric tui na is a wonderfully effective system of massage. Whilst being a systematic, medical treatment, it developed out of a mother's innate instinct to stroke, touch and caress her baby or young child. Therefore, it is practical, intuitive and easy to deliver. Babies and children usually love it.
Paediatric tui na involves using a variety of different movements, ranging from stroking to tapping, on different parts of the child's body.
I will put together a routine that is specific to the needs of your child and will often teach it to you so that you can perform it on your child at home too. Paediatric tui na may be used on its own but I will sometimes combine it with needles, moxa or laser acupuncture.

Cupping is another ancient technique which has been used in Chinese medicine for many centuries. I may use it on your child if they have an acute condition, such as a cough or cold. I may also use it if your child has a pain condition, such as a sports injury.
Cupping involves placing either a glass or silicone cup on a part of the body with the use of suction. Most children find being cupped fun. Once they have experienced it once, they tend to ask for it every time!

Press Seeds
At the end of a treatment, I may put a press seed on a specific acupuncture point either on the body or the ear. This very gently stimulates the point. Once it is on, the child will usually forget it is there.
I will give you a supply of press seeds so that you can replace them when necessary, together with instructions on how to do this.

The Japanese term shonishin, meaning 'children's needle' refers to a method of treating children that dates back to the 17th century.
However, it is a method that does not actually use needles. Instead, various tools are used to stroke or tap areas on the child's body.
It’s an extremely gentle and relaxing treatment which is particular useful for sensitive or anxious children.

Essential Oil Acutherapy
Essential oils, often in dilution, can be used on acupuncture points according to their Chinese medicine properties. Essential oils have been a part of Chinese medicine almost since its inception.
They are a wonderful and effective way of bringing your child’s body back into balance and children tend to love them. I may use these within a treatment.
I may also ask you to apply them at home. They are always used in very low and safe dosages.
Sometimes I may give your child an essential oil in an inhaler tube, for them to keep in their pocket and smell when they need help throughout the day, for example if they start to feel anxious.

Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal medicine is an extremely effective way of treating long-term, chronic conditions. A herbal formula may be prescribed based on your child’s symptoms and general condition.
It will be specific to them. Herbs are usually given in either granule or tablet form.
They can be mixed into food and drinks and it’s usually possible to find a way for your child to take it that they can tolerate!
I will always give clear instructions as to dosage. If I think your child would benefit from a herbal formula, I will chat to you about it beforehand.
The cost of herbal formulas is additional to the cost of your child’s treatment.
Information for your Child to Read
Help your child to feel more comfortable and confident about their treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to common questions about paediatric acupuncture.